"Learning never exhausts the mind”

- Leonardo da Vinci -

Training & Development

There is no questioning the fact that in spite of being well qualified and very competent technically, many people are failing to be globally competent, while technical skills and knowledge may get a foot in the door, but its the people skills that open most of the doors to come. Work ethics, attitude, communication skills, emotional intelligence and a whole host of other personal attributes are essential Soft Skills* that are crucial for career success and being proficient in these Skills improves one’s personality and helps cross the barriers of culture, language, and environment globally.

* Definition of Soft Skills according to Wikipedia

Soft Skills are behavioral competencies. Also known as Interpersonal Skills, or people skills, they include proficiencies such as communication skills, conflict resolution and negotiation, personal effectiveness, creative problem solving, strategic thinking, team building, influencing skills and selling skills, to name a few.

Therefore, whether you are a student looking for a job, an engineer working in an Industry, a corporate professional, an employee in government sector, a businessman, a marketing professional, a front office executive or a homemaker, whoever you are, you have every right to make it big and successful both in professional and personal life through developing these Skills which play a vital role.

As rightly said…

"When you invest a dollar in a machine, you get $2 back, Invest a dollar in a Person, you get $10 back! People ARE the most valuable asset; they need maintenance and upgrade more than machines do. Retraining is maintenance. Training is an upgrade. Development is the next generation model !"

Courtesy - Clay Mathile & Clancy’s Quotes

We at Sergius Solutions believe in this valuable truth of investing in ‘People’ to enhance the Skills and competencies by Training, Developing and Maintaining, hence making it big and Successful in everyone’s life.

As per a survey by Andreas Bloom, Hiroshi Saeki – The World Bank, South Asia Region Education Team April 2011 Skill shortage remains one of the major constraints to continued growth of the Indian economy. This employer survey seeks to address this knowledge-gap by answering three questions:

(i) Which skills do employers consider important when hiring new graduates and professionals?

(ii) How satisfied are employers with the skills of new hires and experienced professionals? And

(iii) In which important skills are these professionals falling short?

The results confirm a widespread dissatisfaction with
  • 64% of employers hiring fresh graduates are only somewhat satisfied with the quality of the new hires or worse.
  • After classifying all skills by factor analysis, the authors find that employers perceive Soft Skills (Core Employability Skills and Communication Skills) to be very important.
  • Skill gaps are particularly severe in the higher-order thinking skills ranked according to Bloom’s.
  • Although employers across India ask for the same set of soft skills, their skill demands differ for Professional Skills across economic sectors, company sizes, and regions.

Our well qualified and experienced team of Trainers are specialized in facilitating these essential Skills to different categories of people groups from Corporate/Government sectors and Educational Institutions.

We provide quality Training adhering to the standards of Training methodologies which are fun, highly Interactive and Energizing.

Here are few of our training programs categorized according to Junior, Middle and Senior level Management….also Employability Skills for the Engineering Graduates / Post Graduates and Management Students.

Junior & Mid Level Management Training Programs:
  • Communicative Skills – Understand to be Understood
  • Presentation Skills—Effective Public Speaking?
  • Interpersonal Skills – Treat others the way you want them to treat you!
  • Self–Esteem – Confidence! It’s in there all the time
  • Behavioural Skills – Attitude is Altitude
  • Time Management - Manage yourself, Work Smarter
  • Goal Setting – A S.M.A.R.T Goal is a Smart GOAL
  • Team Dynamics – Being a good Team Player
  • Creativity and Problem Solving – Applying logic and creativity to solve problems
Senior Level Management Training Programs:
  • Leadership Skills – Lead by Example
  • Managerial Skills – Bring out the best in your team
  • Decision Making Skills – Good Decision making vital for an Effective Leader
  • Emotional Intelligence – Ability to perceive, control and evaluate emotions
  • Change Management – Systematic approach to dealing with change
  • Influencing Skills – the art of Persuasion
  • Project Management – Understand the project goals & elements
Employability Skills and Campus Recruitment Training Programs:

According to research, the eight employability skills employers look for are:

Initiative and enterprise

    Taking Initiative, Seizing the opportunities, thinking out of the box and doing things differently, taking up leadership roles etc.


    Actively seek to learn new things and update yourself with the skills required at workplace, having enthusiasm for ongoing learning.


    Being able to take up responsibility for your own actions, setting up goals and using your time and resources effectively to achieve these goals.


    The most sought after skills of employers, being a good listener, expressing clearly in writing and presenting a case to audience.


    Working with others as a team and achieving the results valuing other people’s views, ideas and contributions.

Problem solving

    Solving a problem through Creative, Innovative and practical solution by optimum use of available resources.

Planning and organizing

    Being able to manage people and resources effectively by identifying what is required in a given situation and achieving results.


    Being able to keep abreast of current technology and apply it to problems, as well as the ability to embrace life-long learning in the field of technology.